Earn Money from Your Old, Used Books

The best thing about books, especially classical, controversial and popular ones is that people buy them second hand. I am one of those people who actually find buying second hand books a better alternative than buying brand new books from bookstores. I believe that there are also a number of people like me who are hunting better deals for the books that they have always wanted to read. If you have a stock of old books that you no longer need or read, you might therefore want to earn from your old used books by selling them instead of keeping them in your garage.

Where to Sell Your Books
The best way to sell your second hand books is to sell them online. I have been buying second hand books from ebay. There are a couple of second hand book sellers in this site.

How Much You can Earn
The amount of money that you will earn will actually depend on the book that you have. Selling best seller books such as a set of Harry Potter books, for example, may give you extra money you can spend in buying a new set of books.
