Many individuals nowadays are into blog entrepreneurship or what can be referred to as blogging for money. Blog entrepreneurs get paid to blog and to write links and articles in their websites. Blog entrepreneurship is a lot similar to a content writing or article writing job. You still write articles for web use, for example, but you do not write as a ghost writer which often happens when you are employed to do webcontent writing job. You also need to have some SEO know how so you can maximize your website performance. Some knowledge in programming and website design will also be helpful.
Starting out as a Blog Entrepreneur
You will basically need to have a passion for writing before and to start a blog if you want to become a blog entrepreneur. I suggest signing up at for free. You also need to write unique posts in your blog regularly. Some know how in SEO and understanding blogging as it is will require you to read a lot of blogging. programming and seo blogs like Technical terms and things may be difficult to understand for a while but learning is crucial if you want to become a blog entrepreneur.
How to Earn as a Blog Entrepreneur
You can monetize your blog by writing sponsored posts, displaying ads and linking some sites. Many companies act as middlemen for advertisers and blog entrepreneurs these days. Some popular programs that can help you earn from your blog:
Google Adsense
Display ads in your site using google's advertising program
Yahoo Publishers Network
YPN is not yet available in the Philippines
Starting out as a Blog Entrepreneur
You will basically need to have a passion for writing before and to start a blog if you want to become a blog entrepreneur. I suggest signing up at for free. You also need to write unique posts in your blog regularly. Some know how in SEO and understanding blogging as it is will require you to read a lot of blogging. programming and seo blogs like Technical terms and things may be difficult to understand for a while but learning is crucial if you want to become a blog entrepreneur.
How to Earn as a Blog Entrepreneur
You can monetize your blog by writing sponsored posts, displaying ads and linking some sites. Many companies act as middlemen for advertisers and blog entrepreneurs these days. Some popular programs that can help you earn from your blog:
Google Adsense
Display ads in your site using google's advertising program
Yahoo Publishers Network
YPN is not yet available in the Philippines