Be cautious of joining suspicious sites in the internet that promise to provide you with online data entry jobs from home and require you to pay for signup fees. Fortunately, you do not have to stumble upon these scam sites in order to find a legitimate and real paying job. We have compiled here a list of companies and their sites where you can find free to join data entry positions.
Gorge Warehouse has telecommuting opportunities for men and women who wish to apply as data encoders. Some of the duties include posting data to websites and internal databases and proofreading. To get hired, you need to have a typing speed of 30 words per minute. An experience in using Front Page, excel, Word, Access and Outlook is a plus. You get paid $9.50 per hour.
Cypher Services Inc. is a litigation document coding company that creates searchable databases that are used to organize documents for discovery and trial. You need to have at least a year of experience in the legal industry to qualify for the remote document coding position.
Axion Data Services hires home based data entry operators as independent contractors.
Gorge Warehouse has telecommuting opportunities for men and women who wish to apply as data encoders. Some of the duties include posting data to websites and internal databases and proofreading. To get hired, you need to have a typing speed of 30 words per minute. An experience in using Front Page, excel, Word, Access and Outlook is a plus. You get paid $9.50 per hour.
Cypher Services Inc. is a litigation document coding company that creates searchable databases that are used to organize documents for discovery and trial. You need to have at least a year of experience in the legal industry to qualify for the remote document coding position.
Axion Data Services hires home based data entry operators as independent contractors.