Online Jobs Tonight Review

One of the sites that come up when you search for online jobs is the website Among the first things that you will read when you visit the site are the following:
If you are Looking for Legitimate Online Job Opportunities, Your Search is Finally Over; You Have Finally Found the Leader in Providing Real Online Jobs! You will finally be able to access genuine online jobs from Fortune 500 Corporations and other High Profile Companies such as ABC, Apple, Amazon, Google, Aetna Insurance, Dell, Sears, Kodak, Citigroup, CBS T.V, American Express, Hilton Hotel, American Airlines, Adobe, Fox TV and many, many others.

We provide you with access to over 10,000 Genuine Online Jobs from some of the Finest Companies in the World!

These texts give an impression that Online Jobs Tonight provides real online jobs and it can provide you access to online jobs from the world's best companies. The site claiming to have been featured by Washington Post, Bloomberg Businessweek, ABC, CNBC and CNN makes it more enticing to invest on the site's $19.95 database of online jobs. claims that their database of online jobs can provide you with lifetime access to thousands of legitimate only jobs everyday.

Real Online Jobs vs Database of Online Jobs

While it may appear to you that paying the $19.95 can help you land a job, you should know that the amount is actually a payment for a digital product, a database of online jobs that you can use to hunt for a job. You still have to apply and compete with other applicants and the company or employer still have the final say whether to hire you or not. Why pay for a database of online jobs when there are actually sites with thousands of job listings that you can access for free?

How about the site being featured by Washington Post and Bloomberg Businessweek?
Washington Post and Bloomberg Businessweek do not have any feature story or article about Online Jobs Tonight. The "feature" page referred to by is actually the results page when you search for "Online Jobs Tonight".

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="320"]online jobs tonight scam This is not a feature article. "Online Jobs Tonight" is merely a term entered in the Bloomberg Businessweek job search box.[/caption]

Is Online Jobs Tonight a scam?
It appears that Onlinejobstonight (also tries to mislead people into believing it is endorsed by reputable companies and websites to get people to think it is safe to spend $19.95. Online Jobs Tonight may deliver the $19.95 digital product. Nevertheless, Online Jobs Tonight can be classified as a scam for the misleading information it posts in its website and for over-hyping its free online jobs listing when people can actually search for the same online jobs in the internet for free.
